
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Bruno;Rocha” ,找到相关结果约20168条。
Rastreando os direcionadores da performance organizacional: uma proposta metodológica
Fernandes, Bruno Henrique Rocha;
Cadernos EBAPE.BR , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-39512005000100005
Abstract: this paper proposes a methodology to study the linkage between organizational performance drivers like internal resouces and competences, and organizational performance through its multiple perspectives like internal performance measures and its overall ability to meet financial and customer targets. firstly the methodology suggests the exam of the main variables related to firm performance and the design of casual maps. next data are collected according to that design and simplified using factorial analysis. then, statistical techniques like regression analysis and structural equation modelling are employed to investigate relationship among variables to confirm or not the assumed linkages. as an example, the methodology is employed in a firm with a hundred business units, all monitored with similar performance indicator measurement. in the example, some drivers like human competency showed no association with organizational performance, whereas drivers like tangibles resource density and employee satisfaction seemed to affected internal process productivity, customer satisfaction and financial targets.
Consolida??o fiscal nos Estados brasileiros: uma análise de dura??o
Rocha, Bruno de Paula;Rocha, Fabiana;
Nova Economia , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-63512008000200002
Abstract: the objective of this paper is to analyze the duration of fiscal consolidation of brazilian states in the period 1986-2001. for this propose, we applied the duration models methodology. we sought to establish the main characteristics that explain the probability that a state would remain in fiscal balance, once it has achieved that position. the non-parametric results suggest that the probability that fiscal consolidation will be maintained falls dramatically after the first year and even more after the second year. parametric analysis shows that there is a core of relevant variables, such as the number of failures, the personnel costs/net current revenue ratio, the dummy variable for the years before the brazilian constitution of 1988, the dummy variable for the years after the refinance law 9496/97 and the polarization in the preferences of the parties that compose the legislative assembly.
Análise de Conteúdo e Análise do Discurso: aproxima??es e afastamentos na (re)constru??o de uma trajetória
Rocha, Décio;Deusdará, Bruno;
Alea : Estudos Neolatinos , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-106X2005000200010
Abstract: this paper focuses on the discussion of a discursive approach developped as an alternative to the insufficiencies of content analysis. our goal in centered on two main questions: which are the insufficiencies which motivated a discursive approach; in what sense the practices in content analysis contributed to the positions assumed by a discursive approach. the conclusions indicate the need of further research on the unsettled relationship between text and context.
Análise de conteúdo e análise do discurso: o lingüístico e seu entorno
Rocha, Décio;Deusdará, Bruno;
DELTA: Documenta??o de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-44502006000100002
Abstract: based on a historical review of content analysis and a debate about its implications in the context of american behaviourism of the beginning of the xx century, the aim of this paper is to focus on the concept of conditions of production as a means of approaching the relationship between text and context. the results show some evidence that, in what concerns the notion of conditions of production, there has been neither total disruption nor simple continuity between tradition (works in content analysis and sociolinguistics) and discourse analysis as conceived by pêcheux.
Vozes em embate na mídia de informa??o e produ??o da objetividade: polêmicas em torno da precariza??o do trabalho na escola
Deusdará, Bruno;Rocha, Décio;
DELTA: Documenta??o de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-44502011000100007
Abstract: in this paper, we intend to analyze the production of meaning effects regarding the work of professionals of education in media press, from an enunciative perspective. our corpus is an article published in a newspaper focusing the bonus system (a pecuniary "reward" for positive results obtained) proposed in the scope of programa nova ecola, instituted in public schools of rio de janeiro since 2000. on the basis of the concept of enunciative heterogeneity (authier-revuz, 1990; maingueneau, 1997), we shall highlight the role of reported speech in utterances, with emphasis on the category of "narratized speech" (genette,1972; sant'anna, 2004; deusdará, 2006). results show some evidence that narratized speech is the main strategy adopted for reporting utterances emitted by official voices, so as to create a maximal effect of objectivity.
Estratégia, competências e desempenho em empresas de pet shop: evidências de um levantamento em Curitiba
Peinado, Jurandir;Fernandes, Bruno Henrique Rocha;
Revista de Administra??o (S?o Paulo) , 2012, DOI: 10.5700/rausp1062
Abstract: this study examines the influence of the combination of the perceived environment, entrepreneurial skills and performance achieved in determining the strategy adopted by small businesses represented by shops and services for pets (pet shops) in the city of curitiba, paraná state, brazil. data collection was carried out using a structured questionnaire divided into five blocks. it was possible to identify all four types of strategy proposed in the miles and snow typology (1978). most of the surveyed companies adopt the prospecting strategy, followed by those that adopt the analytical strategy and the defensive strategy; the reactive posture proved to be the least adopted strategic behavior in the industry. in the perception of the respondents, the industry's environment is unique, regardless of the type of strategy adopted, and is characterized as complex and somewhat predictable; the market is dynamic, but growth oriented. in terms of organizational results, despite the different types of strategy adopted, all respondents claim that they are satisfied with both the management results and financial results of their companies. as for competencies, the pet shop industry emphasizes managerial competencies, traditional service competencies, and animal custody competencies.
Modelos de gest o por competência: evolu o e teste de um sistema
Fernandes, Bruno Henrique Rocha,Fleury, Maria Tereza
Análise , 2007,
Abstract: O tema da competência recebe aten o crescente por parte de pesquisadores e gestores na área de RH. Na prática, a operacionaliza o deste conceito ocorre nos chamados modelos de competências. Entretanto, tais modelos costumam ser problemáticos, pois assumem conceitos de competência conflitantes. O propósito deste artigo é discutir o conceito de competência enquanto fundamento de práticas de gest o de pessoas, analisar conceitos relacionados, investigar a evolu o dos modelos de competência vis-a-vis a evolu o do conceito, e testar empiricamente um deles. Argumenta-se que, para implantar um modelo de competências de forma eficaz, é conveniente relacionar a idéia de competência a no es como espa o ocupacional, agrega o de valor e nível de complexidade no trabalho realizado. A pesquisa empírica, realizada em empresa do setor de saneamento, confirma a importancia de vincular competência às no es citados, sugerindo a fragilidade de modelos que prescindem destes conceitos.
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis): Hypocholesterolemic Effects in Humans and Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Animals  [PDF]
Márcia Reto, Cristina Almeida, Jo?o Rocha, Bruno Sepodes, Maria-Eduardo Figueira
Food and Nutrition Sciences (FNS) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/fns.2014.522231
Abstract: In its essence, tea is an infusion of Camellia sinensis leaves and it is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, aside water. Animal and epidemiological studies have associated green tea consumption with several health benefits, which include hypocholesterolemic effect and anti-in-flammatory activity. In this study catechins levels of green tea and its effect on the lipid profile of humans were evaluated as well as the protective effects against H2O2-mediated damage in human fibroblasts and anti-inflammatory activity of ()-epigallocatechingallate (EGCG). The daily consumption of 1200 mL of green tea for 30 days by 15 human volunteers promoted the decrease of cholesterol and LDL levels after 15 days, but this effect was not persistent after 30 days. No changes were observed in lipid profile after the consumption of green tea capsules. EGCG, a major green tea catechin, demonstrated an anti-inflammatory action in rats and an antioxidant effect in cultured human fibroblasts.
Dermolipectomia abdominal pós-gastroplastia: avalia??o de 100 casos operados pela técnica do "peixinho"
Lage, Renato Rocha;Amado, Bruno Navarro;Sizenando, Rodrigo Pimenta;Heitor, Bruno Spini;Ferreira, Bruno Meilman;
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1983-51752011000400024
Abstract: background: morbid obesity is a worldwide endemic disease. its growing incidence makes it a public health problem. bariatric surgery is an alternative weight loss method with the objective of controlling obesity-associated diseases and improving quality of life. the surgical treatment of the deformities resulting from significant weight loss is a new challenge for plastic surgeons. this paper presents a new technique for abdominoplasty in formerly obese patients with a midline abdominal scar resulting from gastroplasty. methods: a total of 28 men and 72 women who underwent abdominoplasty after gastroplasty by the "fish" technique described in this study were analyzed. results: the results obtained with the technique presented were satisfactory, resulting in a new body contour and a low complication rate. conclusions: abdominoplasty with markings forming a fish shape is successful for the removal of excess abdominal skin in patients who underwent bariatric surgery.
Germination and Vigor of Fodder Fabacceae Seeds Submitted to in Vitro and in Situ Incubation  [PDF]
Renata Vianna Lima, Henrique Duarte Vieira, Tatiana Oliveira da Silva, Norberto da Silva Rocha, Bruno Borges Deminicis
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2015.614235
Abstract: The current study was developed with the purpose to evaluate the germination and the vigor of Kudzu (Pueraria phaseoloides), Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) and Calopog?nio seeds (Calopogonium mucunoides) submitted to 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours of testing to natural (in situ incubation) and simulated conditions (in vitro incubation) from the ruminal environment of bovines. For each period of in situ and in vitro incubation, in each kind of seed, the percentage of normal plants was evaluated, as well as abnormal plants, hard seeds, soaked seeds and dead seeds, besides the index of germination speed (IGS). The results were submitted to the Duncan test at a 5% probability. Higher percentages of normal plants were verified in the Kudzu and in the Leucaena kinds, when the seeds were submitted to in situ incubation, as well as the IGS for the three forage species. The Calopog?nio seeds did not turn out to be susceptible of use in the in situ and in vitro incubations. The in vitro incubation revealed to be more harmful to the seeds of the three species used.

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